Thursday, January 24, 2013

And The Mysterious Orange "Thingie" From Yesterday's Contest Is...

It is the Nitrogen Generating Unit on a Boeing 757.

In the photos above are the main components of a Nitrogen Generating System designed to introduce inert gas into fuel tanks to prevent vapors from igniting. 

See, now that wasn't hard, was it?

Besides, do you really think I was going to share MissTWA with anyone?


getjets said...

What "Fun"...........Thank you for such a lovely Surprise...!!!!
I'll be expecting you to pick me up at 7:00 Sharp tonite.........!!!


capnaux said...

Ahaaa! The newfangled inerting thingie, that completely useless dead weight now required so we can all continue to pretend that 800 was not shot down!

Oops, did I say that? Strike that!!