Our staff has done a lot of interesting things (most of them legal), but this is a new one for us. On 03/24/2010 (19:01 local time), N5101X ran out of fuel approximately one nautical mile south of Brackett Field (POC). The pilot executed a beautiful landing on a crowded Highway 57 at peak traffic hour, with no damage to airplane, cars or humans.
After refueling, your hardworking staff assisted (yes, really) the California Highway Patrol with aircraft recovery and subsequent taxiing of the Champion 7KC via HWY 57, HWY 10 and surface streets to POC. The hardest part of the evening was shoe-horning the plane through a perimeter gate, as a landing is the preferred method of arrival. Go figure.
We even made the evening news (our Founder is in the safety jacket).
Awesome. I can't imagine landing a plane at the 10/57 interchange. Congrats to the pilot and the TJUAP staff for being there to assist.
That is every bit as cool as Freakin sharks with Freakin laser-beams on their heads......
Where's is your on camera interview?
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